Rüdiger Schestag, photographer, teacher and founder of XLAB Akademie asked me some weeks ago, if he could join me on a day when I go out to pour some plates and make some landscape work. I am honored to be featured in his Youtube Channel in a long video (over 30mins, so take some time)
Tintypes in Berlin
Last week I packed my mobile equipment and poured some 4×5″ tintypes in Berlin. It is very easy to come around with public transportation.
Wetplate Collodion Workshop
From time to time, I am teaching the process of Wetplate Collodion in my studio in Berlin. In June, three participants learned how to handle wetplates, mix the photographic solutions and poured, developed and varnished plates on their own during a Wetplate Collodion Workshop for beginners. If you are interested in learning this process in
World Wetplate Day Berlin 2024: Tintype Portrait Session
Am 4. Mai ist „World Wetplate Day“, deshalb mache ich den ersten „Pay-What-You-Can“ Porträt Tag in meinem Atelier @r116.gallery.Ab 14h geht’s los bis ca. 17h, Reservierungen sind nicht möglich, deshalb kommt früh um euch ein Porträt auf Aluminium mit dem 170 Jahre alten Kollodium Nassplattenprozess zu sichern. May 4th is „World Wetplate Day“, so I’m
Wetplates at Grassi Museum in Leipzig
Good news: I will be holding a talk about wetplates at Grassi Museum in Leipzig on April 2 as a part of the analogNOW! weekend. During that weekend, many interesting talks and workshops are being held, more info can be found here. My talk is starting at 1 until 2pm and afterwards, you can get
Tintype Portrait Voucher
Good news: I am going to open a studio in Berlin so I can offer Tintype Portraits! For the opening, you can order a Tintype Portrait Voucher for Tintype Portraits in the plate sizes 4×5″, 5×7″, 18x24cm and 11×14″ for a special price. Book a shooting here! What is a tintype? A unique photograph made
An interview with me in Fotomaniker
Some weeks ago, I was asked to give an interview for an online magazine called Fotomaniker, here you can read full interview.
Ultra Large Format Ambrotypes
Since I started practising the wet plate collodion process, it was my dream to create big plates – ultra large format ambrotypes.
Tintypes from AnalogueNow Festival
Oh the weather forecast was so bad, but in the end, we had one day full of sunshine. The second day, I moved my little studio inside and could continue.
Tintype Portrait Sessions at PhotoWeekend
I am happy to announce that I am going to have a Tintype Portrait Session at the PhotoWeekend 2021 in Berlin. Get your unique Tintype Portrait done like 170 years ago. Interested? Here are some details for the Tintype Portrait Session…