Ab 1. November bis 11. Januar sind Arbeiten des Projektes „holocene“ in der Fotogalerie Friedrichshain im Rahmen der Gruppenausstellung „Im Sog des Waldes / Forest Vortex“ mit Sam Evans, Nathalie Ericson und Martin Tscholl zu sehen. Die Vernissage ist am 31. Oktober ab 19h. Das Begleitprogramm mit Vorträgen, Talks und Workshops wird auf der Galerieseite
Silver bath maintenance for collodion wetplates part 1
This is the first part of my blog series for silver bath maintenance. In this part, the basics are described and focusses for beginning practitioners of collodion wetplate photography.
Collodion Workshop at Marubi National Museum of Photography in Shkodër, Albania
End of October, I had the possibility to hold a collodion workshop at Marubi National Museum of Photography in Shkodër, located in the north of Albania and hold a two day workshop about the collodion wetplate process. The city has a 2400 years history being located at three rivers that made trade very important.
Making Tintypes at Photopia 2023
From 21st until 24th of September, the Photopia took place in Hamburg. Luckily, I was invited by Khrome – a top notch analog camera store and lab – to pour some plates during the first three days.
How silver and light form a photograph
In the 1830ies, a new era began as many chemists found different ways to capture the environment with silver and light. A camera obscura was used to collect the light of an object through a lens and concentrate the rays of light on photosensitive material. Here is a very low-level approach to explain how a
Making albumen paper
In the 1850ies, the french photographer Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard developed a new printing method based on silverchlorides: the albumen paper process. Here is a short summary about making albumen paper. This is just a brief step by step introduction pf this process.
Prints for Sale
Here are some prints on Hahnemühle PhotoRag 308g, if you want to purchase one, please send me short message with your location.
Review in RAZ Magazin
I am honored that a double paged article was published in RAZ Magazin, a Berlin local magazine for the northern part of Berlin.
A video about my landscape work
Rüdiger Schestag, photographer, teacher and founder of XLAB Akademie asked me some weeks ago, if he could join me on a day when I go out to pour some plates and make some landscape work. I am honored to be featured in his Youtube Channel in a long video (over 30mins, so take some time)
Tintypes in Berlin
Last week I packed my mobile equipment and poured some 4×5″ tintypes in Berlin. It is very easy to come around with public transportation.